Fuzzy Logic

Having some fun with the up coming election

Location: Aurora, Illinois, United States

I'm 72 years old and having a blast of a retirement. I have a friend, Max Angst, who often comments on our world. I relay these comments to my readers.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Why Washington Must Go

It was Max Angst on the phone.
“Art, have you seen the wonderful accomplishment by the United States Congress that our President signed into law today, that President who is so deeply involved in his War on Terrorism?
“Oh, Oh I thought. Max is angry at Washington again.Max, what are you talking about?”
“Why the appropriations bill for the Department of Homeland Security, Art. Did you know it had provisions that required all the cargo on passenger planes be screened, and it established a system for scanning all container ships for nuclear devices?”
“No Max, I didn’t know that. But now that you tell I must say I approve of those ideas. Do you think the gang in Washington is finally waking up?
“No Art, I don’t.”
“And why is that?”
“Because those great minds in Congress gave the terrorists a three year free ride on blowing up passenger planes. No screening is going to be done for three years.”
“My God!. Max, they could blow up every airplane, every airport, hell every city in our country if nobody’s going to check for explosives or WMD’s for the next three years. Hell, that’s plain crazy.”
“Art, its worse with the ships: they get five years.”
“What? Max, you’re kidding me.”
“I am not, Art. That’s what’s in the bill they’re all bragging about.”
“Geez, that’s scary.”
“And how about that great Warrior against terrorism who threatens to veto every other bill that passes across his desk? Why didn’t he threaten to veto this bill if they didn’t provide American’s citizens quicker protection?”
“Knowing good, old George, Max, I’d say he’s protecting business from having to move quickly on these actions.”
“At the same times he’s sending our troops to Iraq for the fourth and fifth time. Sending them to put their lives on the line. The bastard will protect some lazy airline executive from getting off his ass and moving quickly to protect the lives of his passengers. But he doesn’t care about the heroes who have already given so much. And that goes for the whole gang in Washington. All they care about are the money boys and the rest of us can go to hell. Art, I here and now make a vow to do all I can to reveal to the American public just what a bunch of low lives we have in Washington. I want everyone of them gone out of office within the time frames of this bill.”
“Hell Max, maybe you should run for office.”
“I’m not eligible, but I’m looking for good people to replace that gang currently in Washington.”

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Two Problems

It was a beautiful day: seventy- three degrees, a gentle breeze and a blue sky. I had to get out of the house. I drove up to Fabian’s windmill and started walking north along the river. Ten minutes into my trek I came upon Max Angst sitting on a park bench reading the NY Times.
“Hey Max, how are you doing,” I called out.
“I’d be doing fine-- Art, it’s such a beautiful day-- if it wasn’t for Washington. Those clods make even a day like this seem grim.”
“What’s the matter now, Max”
“It’s been a tough week, Art. For decades people have been fighting to get decent schools for minority children. One thing that has had some positive results is requiring school boards to not allow schools to be all of one race. In the past segregating the races has always proved detrimental to minorities. Now the Supreme Court comes down with a determination saying race can’t be considered in deciding attendance in schools. That’s going to hurt minority children who already have a hard time getting an education that will allow them compete against white children from much better schools”.
“I’ve heard a lot of people speaking out against amnesty to illegal aliens. A few years back I got to meet some of these people and hear their stories. The lives they faced in their home countries were a horror. Poverty mixed with political brutality made their lives hell. They took the dangerous path to our country hoping to improve their lives. What they found wasn’t much better. Wages were low for very hard work and their weak legal status left them vulnerable to a wide variety of abuses. Still, there was some hope of one-day getting legal status resulting in a decent life. Some members of congress promised them legislation that will open the path to making their dreams come true. But Congress folded on them, couldn’t get the legislation passed. All that does is enrich the greedy slobs that overwork these people for hardly any pay.
“Yeah Max. I‘ve been thinking what ever happened to those unalienable rights to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” that this country was foundered on. Too many people are denied their unalienable rights these days.