Fuzzy Logic

Having some fun with the up coming election

Location: Aurora, Illinois, United States

I'm 72 years old and having a blast of a retirement. I have a friend, Max Angst, who often comments on our world. I relay these comments to my readers.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


George Bush and his administration are hypocrites. Claiming a born again morality, they have ignored Christian teaching at every turn. Jesus taught us to love not only our friends but also those who opposed us. The invasion of Iraq with its slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizen was completely opposite of Jesus’ central teachings. The Iraqi’s never did Americas any harm; they didn’t have the wherewithal not having a navy or air force that could reach America. Still the good Christians of the White House invaded their country, destroyed their country’s infrastructure and triggered a civil war amongst the various Iraqi factions that has made living in that nation a horror. Three million Iraqi’s have been made homeless a large number have been driven from the country. General David Patreaus, US commander in Iraq, gave a recent display of the hypocrisy. Most Americans and people across the world have been calling on America to give a proposal for their withdrawal from Iraq in the near future. Patreus was to address Congress this month supposedly to present such a plan. Instead he told Congress it was quite probable the US would be in Iraq for ten years or more. Hearing that I felt betrayed.
Bush’s hypocrisy has domestic aspects. Again looking to Jesus’ teaching to love our fellow humans we find the Bush administration waging war on the middle class. Their policies drove the jobs of the middle class overseas while driving the costs of health, education and transportation through the roof. The price of gas, a commodity that the middle class life style is based on, has doubled during Bush’s term in office. A growing number of employers cannot afford to stay in business and supply their employees with health insurance, the traditional way of people gaining health care coverage in our nation. College tuitions have increased substantially in every year since Bush came in to office. Yet, Bush has done nothing to deal with any of these problems. He does though pour large sums—approximately $350 Billion a year-- down the military industrial rat hole. I’m not talking about paying for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; these were funded by supplemental allocations. What I’m saying is that Bush found it appropriate to spend all this money on the military – when looked at closely this is little more than corporate welfare—but little is spent on the needs of the average American. Tax cuts were the same, large cuts for the wealthy much smaller cuts for the working and middle classes that needed them. None of this seems very Christian to me.
Americans have to consider this hypocrisy in evaluating their government. Christians should be appalled by the use of their religion to claim benevolent intent by the Bushites when their actions prove just the opposite. People of other beliefs can see Bush and his supporters cannot be trusted , should not be trusted andshould not be voted for.
Max Angst


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