Fuzzy Logic

Having some fun with the up coming election

Location: Aurora, Illinois, United States

I'm 72 years old and having a blast of a retirement. I have a friend, Max Angst, who often comments on our world. I relay these comments to my readers.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Price of Gas and the end of the game

I was sitting at the bar in Bernie’s Bar feeling a bit disgusted; I had just paid $37 for a tank of gas. The door swung open and Max Angst strode in a sour look on his face.
“You don’t look happy Max. What’s the matter?” I asked.
“ I just was raped at the gas station he answered. $3.57 a gallon for gas. Damn that Bush; this is the final straw!”
“ Bush? What has Bush got to do with the price of gas.”
“Oh Art! I thought you were sharper than that. Damn it man George Bush, and Dick Cheney his evil mentor, are the direct representatives, the agents of the oil industry. With them where they are the oil industry knows it can do anything it wants, charge any price they want. Bush and Cheney have given the oil industry their permission to rip us off and they are doing it. The really nasty aspect of this situation is the failure of the media to blame Bush and Cheney for this robbery. It proves the oil industry—Bush and Cheney—control the media, too.
“Gee, Max I never thought of it that way. Bush and Cheney both came out of the oil industry. Haliburton is one of the biggest oil drillers in the world.”
“Yeah, and Papa Bush is big in the industry, too. His connection with the Saudi Royal family and the Carlyle Group gives him immense stature in that industry. He could, if he chose, put the price of gas wherever he wants it.”
“This stuff scares me Max. Do you think our country will ever return to the land of liberty it once was?”
“Art, I believe the rest of the world has caught on to what the forces behind Bush, Cheney are up to. Russia, China, Iran and Venezuela are on to them and ready to challenge them. If the American people catch on too, and the last election points in that direction, their going to have to lighten up their game a great deal if they have any sense at all. But maybe they don’t have any sense, some things point in that direction; then it could be the end of everything. Remember they have ten thousand atomic bombs.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Clean Washington Out

The phone rang and it was Max Angst on the other end.
“Art, Washington is hilarious,” my friend said.
“ What now, Max” I responded.
“It’s Dave Obey, messing up again. He want’s to fold to Bush and give him money without setting withdrawal dates. He says give Bush the one hundred and twenty four billion:Congress will look at things at the end of July and decide what to do then,”
“Gee, Max, that doesn’t sound all that bad.”
“ Until you get to the next article on Iran. Bush has ordered another 35,000 troops to go to Iraq in September.”
“Oh. That raises problems.”
“Art, in last November’s election a majority of American’s signaled they want us out of Iraq. Bush is telling those people to go to hell. Why? Because his masters – the defense industry, the oil companies—see they can still make loads of money in Iraq. We must never forget there is only one logical reason for Bush’s people to be involved in Iraq in the first place. To make a slew of money.”“If Obey, and the rest of the democrats, are on the level they must accept that giving Bush any more money only results in making his bosses richer. It doesn’t help our troops. They’ve come to realize the war is a lot of crap and they want out before they get killed. It doesn’t help the Iraqi’s; the vast majority of them have stated that they believe the only reason the Americans are in their country is to rip them off. The only group that is benefiting from Iraq are the money grubbers led by Dick Cheney.
“But, Max, if we pull out Iraq will fall into chaos.”
“Art, it’s already in chaos. We get in the way of the Iraqi’s straightening their country out. They know how to do it. We don’t”
“So what do we do, Max.”
“Send Bush back the Bill that he vetoed. It should be pointed out to him that he already has been given $503 Billion for 2007 and he should stop using that to enrich his bosses and use it to bring our troops home, now!. If he fails to do that the Democratic party should strongly get behind Dennis Kucinich’s impeachment bill.”
“Do you really think it will go the way you want, Max.”
“No, I don’t. But when it doesn’t the American people will have proof positive that they entire gang now in Washington has to go. We need to get the United States back to being run by a government of the people, by the people and for the people and not a government of the money grubbers, by the money grubbers and for the money grubbers. Goodbye,Art. I need a stiff drink this crap has pissed me off."