“ Most non Germans don’t know Octoberfest begins in September. I stopped in Burnie’s bar and was delighted to find Oktoberfest Bier on the menu. I sat down besides my friend Max Angst and ordered a Lowenbrau.
“How have you been, Max?” I asked.
“Not getting any younger, Art. Not getting any younger.”
“What do you think about the election?” I asked him.
“It will prove whether or not the American voters are complete idiots.”
“How so?”
“The Republicans are running on the fantastic proposition that they are stronger against terrorism than the Democrats. If the voters buy that it’s the end of the world.”
“Oh! Tell me more.”
“Clearly the Republicans have not been able to control the terrorists so far. Why should we think they could do better in the future? In fact things get progressively worse because of Republican policy. ”
“Again, how so?”
“In May Bush signed the Military supplement bill that contained funds to build fourteen permanent military installations across Iraq. Muslims across the planets see this and it tells them the Bushites intend to stay in Iraq in order to take Iraqi oil and to expand their dominance over the entire Muslim world. This brings more and more fighters into the war against us thus puttiing Americans in greater danger. Republican policies endanger us all. Will the American voter realize this?”
“ He won’t realize it if he isn’t told about it.”
“That’s the other problem, the American press has sold the American voter out.”