The other day I stopped by Burnie’s Bar and found Max Angst reading the New York Times and shaking his head.
“Art, if you really want to understand this country you need to compare two articles in today’s times, Max said.
“What are they about, Max?” I asked.
“People loosing their jobs,” he answered.
“Yeah, that can be rough,” I said.
“Not always,” Max responded.
“What do you mean? I asked.
“ The first article is about a guy named Charles K. Gifford who is being eased out of his job as Chairman of The Bank of America, they call it retirement He receives an amazing golden parachute. First he gets a $16.36 million cash payment, then up to $8.67 million in incentive payments, and $3.1 million a year for life. Also, he’s guaranteed $50,000 a year In consulting fees, 120 hours of free flight time on the company jet and a secretary.
“Compare this to a lady in the second article, Fabiola Quitiaquez, who lost her job last May. Six months have gone by and she cannot find work. Her unemployment has been used up. She has no income, no health insurance, nothing. There are 1.8 million Americans in this situation.
This is what this country is all about. There’s a small group of people who milk the system dry and the majority who struggle to get through it all.” Max said.
“Don’t some people make larger contributions to society than others?” I asked.
“Yes, and most get paid damn well for it while they’re making the contribution. The sick thing is that they’re so greedy they rig the system to bury themselves in riches when they leave their jobs. At the same time others become destitute when their jobs are lost. There is no equity in our country. The system is set up to enrich a small group at the expense of the rest of us.”
“And it always has been so,” I said.
“That doesn’t make it right. This is supposedly a country of the people, by the people and for the people. That is our highest political ideal. Well its about time the people started demanding the realization of that ideal.”
“You know as well as I do that most people feel that’s a hopeless cause. People have been crying out for equity since the beginning of civilization and it never happened, “ I said.
“Well I’m not willing to give up that ideal. People like you and me Art have to continue the struggle and maybe some day we’ll win.”