Bush's Scary Speach
Max Angst called me last night; he felt he had to talk to somebody and I was chosen.
“Art, I think I’ve pulled it all together. Bush’s Inauguration Speech has my mind flying and things just started to fall in place. We both know this country is in dire economic trouble, although Bush didn’t say a word about that. The national debt is the largest ever, our trade balance is also at a record negative level, personal debt is the highest in history, and our industries are collapsing at a tremendous rate because they can’t compete with foreign industries that pay slave labor wages. This is why Bush has to go to war,” Max said
“Whoa Max, “ I responded. “ I don’t get you at all.”
“The American Economic Elite, who Bush represents, are watching their political base, the US Economy, crumble. Yes, they are invested world wide, but they don’t have the clout outside this country that they have here. Certainly not in places like China, Japan, India and even Europe. They don’t have an economic response, but they do have control of the most powerful military establishment in human history, so they came up with a plan. First, the one commodity the world needs is oil, and the supply of oil will soon reach its height and begin to decline. So, Bush moves militarily into Iraq and later the entire Mid-East in order to gain control of the world’s oil supply and thereby retain a dominant political position in the world for the American Economic Elite. Plans for invading Iran and Syria are drawn up. Keeping the Saudi’s in Power, by supporting them militarily against any insurgency will control Arabia. Second, they will move to obtain political and economic control across the planet. All this they will call spreading freedom throughout the world. I call it imperialism and it has its problems.” Max said.
“What are they?” I asked.
“The major players in the world won’t stand for it. China and Russia see the threat and are moving closer. Much of Europe stands in opposition. Even South America has a strong Anti-United States front.
But, the biggest problem is the economics. How are they going to pay for this Empire? That is another reason for moving into the Middle East. They’ll pay for their Empire with oil revenues stolen from the nations of that area. Also, controlling the oil will allow them to bring pressure on their opposition,” Max said.
“This thing seems problematic; they’re not having any easy time in Iraq. It doesn’t seem they have the military strength to conquer other countries. They seem to be short of troops as it is,” I said.
"These guys don’t care for anyone but themselves. Look what they’ve done to the weekend warriors. I would not be surprised if a draft is instituted before the end of 2005. They’ll probably create some phony crisis; like they did in 9/11 and then start dragging young people into the military. On the other side, they also don’t care about the inhabitants of Iraq or the other Mid-east countries. They’ll do one Faluja after another. If worse come to worse they’ll use the A-bomb. They’re even capable of loosing IBM’s on Russia and China,”
“Max, are there no good people out there that will stop this.”
“Well, Art, there’s you and me.” Max responded and hung up.